Carbon Crisis: Leveraging the Façade System for Carbon Reduction in Buildings
Buildings are a significant contributor to global carbon emissions and their façade systems play a major role in that contribution. This puts the building skin at center stage in the development and execution of carbon reduction strategies in the pursuit of carbon-neutral, or even carbon negative, buildings. The forum “Carbon Crisis: Leveraging the Façade System for Carbon Reduction in Buildings” explored practical and effective solutions for reducing carbon emissions along with the economic and ethical reasons for doing so. Organized by the Facade Tectonics Institute, the forum was hosted by the Ornamental Metal Institute of New York on May 11, 2022, at Club 101 in Manhattan.
View Session 1 | Collaborative Delivery Strategies: Barrier or breakthrough to carbon neutral facades & buildings with Sharif Khalje, Heintges; Dominyka Voelkle, BIG; Margaret Tyrpa, BIG; and Davide Mangini, Permasteelisa Group
View Session 2 | Façade Renovations: The desperate need for carbon and cost-efficient strategies with Peter Arbour, Assoc. AIA, The Liquid Wall; Dan Shannon, MdeAS Architects; Carmen Johnson, MdeAS Architects; and Sam Mason, P.E., Schneider Electric
View Session 4 | Removing Barriers: How do we innovate on a massive scale in buildings and facades with Helen Sanders, PhD, Technoform North America; Peter Arbour, Assoc. AIA, The Liquid Wall; and Brienna Rust, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
*Session 3 not available for on-demand viewing